Welcome dear friend!
JAS is ...
Jesus Loves Sweden (JAS) is an altruistic and long-term Christian evangelism
project. JAS is organized as a non-profit registered association. JAS is
organizationally autonomous from particular denominations and individual
churches, but is entirely dependent upon the Bible and a living relationship
with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. JAS is
also reliant on good relations with other community participants, economic
support, and Christians’ intercessory prayers. JAS is not a church and therefore
does not arrange public meetings.
JAS relates
neutrally to party politics.
JAS is
ecumenical and evangelical.
JAS primarily direct people to a personal commitment to following Jesus Christ
and studying the Bible, and secondarily refer people to fellowship at optional
Christian local churches. JAS is characterized by impartial, uncompromising and
respectful edification. JAS was founded in January
with the registered name Jesus Loves Stockholm (JAS).
JAS believes ...
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to forgiveness from sin and
reconciliation with God. We believe that Jesus is Stockholm’s, Sweden’s and the
world’s only true Saviour. We believe that Jesus has all authority in heaven and
on earth, in Sweden and in Stockholm. We believe that prayer, Bible-study and
fellowship with other Christians is of vital importance to all people. We
believe that God’s gift of redemption from sin and eternal life is received
freely by anyone through personal faith, confession, repentance and baptism.
JAS identifies ...
JAS identifies with the classical
creeds, evangelical ecumenicalism, spiritual
communion with Jesus Christ and a loving fellowship among His followers. JAS
identifies profession of faith in God on the basis of the Apostles’ Creed, the
Nicene Creed, the Athanasian Creed and the
Confession. JAS also identifies with the Swedish Catholic Church statement of
Jesus-manifesto. JAS acknowledges the Lausanne
Committee for World Evangelization (LCWE)
as an international direction for the worldwide Christian church. JAS therefore
also identifies confidence with the
Lausanne Covenant and the
Manila Manifesto.
JAS wants ...
JAS wants to promote accessible and correct information about God and encourage
towards a compassionate Sweden. We therefore cordially welcome you.
Our objective with the domain helig.com is that you as a visitor shall find
answers to your questions about your personal existence and
eternal future. We want, through our collection of links, to provide accurate
knowledge about Christian faith. To you that independently want to explore the
Christian faith we therefore recommend visiting JAS collection of links.
If you need personal guidance to salvation, Christian counselling or have
questions - we want to help you. Also, if any branch of the JAS project has
impacted your life we are interested to be informed. We also appreciate that you
contact us with comments regarding our advertisements, campaigns, Opinion
letters or this website.
Jesus Christ is the only way to reconciliation and personal relationship with
God. Jesus wants to save your life from hell to heaven. Salvation is God’s free
gift to you through faith in Jesus Christ. Receiving God’s forgiveness of sins
and eternal life through Jesus Christ is your conscious decision.
It is your life’s most important choice. Choose correctly!
Choose to follow Jesus! Choose today!
JAS wants to help you. You are very welcome to contact us.
God loves you!